"He who loves can't hate"
When we love , could we hate ? , could that tender feeling of love to a person turn into hate ..? .
I was laying on my bed that day & i don't know why but i remembered how did " who i thought she is the One " broke up with me ! . It was so mean .
" F*** off ! "
Why would any One say to who he love or used to love to f*** off ? .Just how bad was she when i was in her life , If I'm so much pain in the a!! why did she stayed with me all these years ? .
"It's so weird , it's so frustrating "
If you ever cursed any One randomly , They'll either curse back or insult you in any other ways .
But when you use this mean language to break up with some One who he suppose to be a lover , Just what do you think he is going to do ?.
I wish i said some thing that hurts her or at least curse back at her but all what I've came with is "OKAY FINE".
And then after couple of weeks later i sent an email asking about her & how is life with her , she replied with " If you ever get into my life again i swear you'll REGRET it "
Well okay !!
sorry for these years you wasted ,
sorry for these days you didn't sleep because we were talking on the phone ,
sorry for waking you up when you ask me to ,
sorry for sharing good & bad times with ,
sorry for the times when i was there when you were crying ,
sorry for the times when i call just to say " i love you "
sorry for the times when i send a sms just saying " ilove you "
sorry for caring so much .. god that must annoyed you !!
sorry for sending a gift to make you happy ,
sorry for those times when i wasn't allowed to be Online but i got online just to ask about you & know how you doin' ,
sorry for thinking that you love me ,
sorry for trying to be romantic - as you say - & surprise you ,
sorry for telling every One that i want to surprise you when "every One " was your older sister to get you to there,
sorry for being stupidly kind with you,
sorry for talking to much ,
sorry for wasting so much from your life ,
sorry for making you so important in my life ,
sorry that i considered you as " The One " ,
sorry for loving you ..
sorry for being there when ever you want me ..
I'm sorry baby ..
I'm sorry
sorry for these days you didn't sleep because we were talking on the phone ,
sorry for waking you up when you ask me to ,
sorry for sharing good & bad times with ,
sorry for the times when i was there when you were crying ,
sorry for the times when i call just to say " i love you "
sorry for the times when i send a sms just saying " ilove you "
sorry for caring so much .. god that must annoyed you !!
sorry for sending a gift to make you happy ,
sorry for those times when i wasn't allowed to be Online but i got online just to ask about you & know how you doin' ,
sorry for thinking that you love me ,
sorry for trying to be romantic - as you say - & surprise you ,
sorry for telling every One that i want to surprise you when "every One " was your older sister to get you to there,
sorry for being stupidly kind with you,
sorry for talking to much ,
sorry for wasting so much from your life ,
sorry for making you so important in my life ,
sorry that i considered you as " The One " ,
sorry for loving you ..
sorry for being there when ever you want me ..
I'm sorry baby ..
I'm sorry
But Thanks for waking me up on the harsh fact , and as what you always say when you have a bad experience I learned the lesson the hard way sweety & As you asked me to " F*** off "
I'm telling you your love is "getting so F***ing far away" may takes some time but it'll .
You don't care i know
what changed this time that is

1 comment:
i like it ;P
wayed 7low ow a7sn shay gltah a5eeeeeeer shay ;p brdt 7rteeeeee fiiiha ;P
a7sn shay atfkr fiih al7een ahwa enk u don`t care any more :P
3gbaaaaaleeeee ;P heheh
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